The truck cartel - secret price fixing by leading manufacturers

On 19 July 2016, the European Commission imposed fines on leading truck manufacturers Daimler, Volvo/Renault, Iveco, MAN and DAF (the "cartel members"). These manufacturers were found guilty of, through impermissible price fixing, having formed a cartel between 1997 and 2011 for medium and heavy trucks. On 27 September 2017, the European Commission also found that Scania had participated in the cartel and imposed a fine.

Scania ultimately failed with a lawsuit against the European Union's decision before the European Court of Justice (ECJ) on February 1, 2024, making it legally binding that Scania was also involved in the truck cartel.

It is now also possible to sue Scania for damages. We therefore recommend that you register your trucks that are not yet pending on our partner website now. All brands can be submitted, as each truck manufacturer involved in the cartel (Daimler/Mercedes, MAN, Volvo/Renault, DAF, Iveco) is jointly and severally liable. The proceedings, which were ongoing until recently, also suspended the statute of limitations, so that it only began to run again after the final judgment on February 1, 2024. You can therefore submit trucks from the entire cartel period and the post-cartel period 1997 - 2016 to us.

Clicking on this link will take you to our partner website, where you will find further information on the new action and can easily register your company.


Together we will succeed: our coalition against the truck cartel.

Did you purchase or lease medium or heavy trucks from the truck cartel between 1997 and 2011? Then you most likely paid too much.

Based on a study commissioned by the European Commission some time ago, on average, international cartels resulted in damages in the amount of 20% of the purchase price. The exact damages must be determined by a recognised and reputable competition economist.

The truck cartel could also have led to higher prices for the period after 2011 as well as for trucks from manufacturers not involved in the cartel. This is already being examined by the competition economists commissioned by us.

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Your damages claims

We can fight for your right with a powerful combination of:

  • intelligent IT infrastructure,
  • Dr Roman Inderst, the renowned competition economist,
  • and Arnecke Sibeth Dabelstein, the prestigious competition law firm.

Who can enforce claims for damages?

You are affected by the truck cartel if, between 1997 and 2016, you acquired medium and heavy trucks through purchase, lease or hire purchase. For such vehicles, compensation for damages may be demanded for any overpaid price. If interested, you are welcome to register for the new claim against the truck cartel, so we can assert your claims for your not yet registered trucks.  Click here to join the list of prospects

Great reasons to register with financialright claims:

1. No risk of costs

Our cost model is simple and transparent – and risk-free for you. We receive a success commission only if we succeed for you; such commission will be deducted from the compensation sum. Otherwise, you will not pay anything.

2. Cooperation with competition experts

Through our cooperation with the law firm Arnecke Sibeth Dabelstein, which specialises in competition claims, and the renowned competition economist Dr Inderst and his team, we can guarantee that you will have the best possible expertise.

3. Cooperation with associations

Together with the BGL (Bundesverband Güterkraftverkehr Logistik und Entsorgung (BGL) e.V.), we can offer a solution for the enforcement of claims for damages as developed for freight forwarding - reviewed by the legal department of the BGL. More than 20 national and international associations have already joined the initiative, with more than 160,000 trucks registered so far.

4. Best possible management of your claims for damages

Together with a powerful team, we are engaged in pursuing the rights of a large group of claimants. In doing so, we can handle the entire procedure for you: from data analysis, through the involvement of the expert, up to the filing of the lawsuit and disbursement.

1. No risk of costs

Our cost model is simple and transparent – and risk-free for you. We receive a success commission only if we succeed for you; such commission will be deducted from the compensation sum. Otherwise, you will not pay anything..

2. Cooperation with competition experts

Through our cooperation with the law firm Hausfeld, which specialises in competition claims, and the renowned competition economist Dr Inderst and his team, we can guarantee that you will have the best possible expertise.

3. Cooperation with associations

Together with the BGL (Bundesverband Güterkraftverkehr Logistik und Entsorgung (BGL) e.V.), we can offer a solution for the enforcement of claims for damages as developed for freight forwarding - reviewed by the legal department of the BGL. More than 20 national and international associations have already joined the initiative, with more than 160,000 trucks registered so far.

4. Best possible management of your claims for damages

Together with a powerful team, we are engaged in pursuing the rights of a large group of claimants. In doing so, we can handle the entire procedure for you: from data analysis, through the involvement of the expert, up to the filing of the lawsuit and disbursement.

Our team and our expertise

Intelligent information technology

Since every truck is handled individually, enormous amounts of data are generated in this regard. Evaluating such data requires experts in intelligent IT infrastructures. financialright claims specialises precisely in such complex mass processes and offers the best possible solution here.

financialright claims

Prestigious competition attorneys

financial right claims has commissioned the prestigious law firm Arnecke Sibeth Dabelsteinwith the legal enforcement of the claims. Arnecke Sibeth Dabelstein is one of the most experienced law firms in cartel damages proceedings.


Renowned economists

Proceedings are supported by Dr Roman Inderst, who is one of the leading experts in the field of the calculation of cartel damages, as specialist.

Any questions?

financialright claims GmbH
Behringstraße 28a
22765 Hamburg
Phone: +49 40 468 986 260
E-Mail: [email protected]

Contact by E-Mail

About us - who is financialright claims?

We can put you on equal footing with the big corporations and enforce your rights. Our team of attorneys, software developers and database experts takes the law to a new level of quality for our customers – conveniently, professionally and without risk.

financialright claims was founded by Dr Sven Bode. Prior to this, with Dr Philipp Kadelbach, he founded flightright, the market leader in the enforcement of passenger rights services as known from TV & press, which has now helped over half a million people throughout Europe.
